This is the top level component that contains all other components within it.

# Instance Methods

# path

OpenApi.prototype.path ( method, path ) : EnforcerResult < object >

Get path parameters and operation from a method and path.


Parameter Description Type Default
method The HTTP method to use string
path The request path string

Returns: An EnforcerResult that resolves to an object with two properties:

  • operation - The Operation component that is tied to this path.

  • params - An object of key value pairs for each path parameter and it's deserialized and validated value.

  • pathKey - The string value for the path item as written in the OpenAPI document.

If an exception occurs the exception may contain the pathItem property for the PathItem component that matched or it may contain the operation property with the Operation component and the pathKey property with the value of the matching path as defined in your OpenAPI document.


const OpenAPI = require('openapi-enforcer').v3_0.OpenApi

const [ openapi ] = OpenAPI({
  openapi: '3.0.0',
  info: { title: '', version: '' },
  paths: {
    '/{date}': {
      get: {
        parameters: [
            name: 'date',
            in: 'path',
            required: true,
            schema: {
              type: 'string',
              format: 'date'

const [ value ] = openapi.path('get', '/2000-01-01')
const { operation, params } = value
console.log( // Date object

# request

OpenApi.prototype.request ( request [, options ] ) : EnforcerResult < object >

Deserialize and validate a request.


Parameter Description Type Default
request The request configuration. See below. object
options The options configuration. See below object

Request Parameter

Property Description Type Default
body A string or object for the request body. If an object is provided then it should already be deserialized as far a JSON.parse would deserialize. string or object
headers An object of key value pairs where the key is the header name and the value is the header value. object {}
method The HTTP method to use. string 'get'
path The full path (after domain and port) including query parameter string. string '/'
query An object of key value pairs where the key is the query parameter name and the value is the query parameter value. If a query string is included on the path property then this object will be ignored. object

Options Parameter

Property Description Type Default
allowOtherQueryParameters A boolean or an array of string values that indicates whether query parameters that are not specified in the OpenAPI definition should be allowed. If an array of string values is provided then the string values provided will be allowed. boolean or string false

Returns: An EnforcerResult that resolves to an object with these properties:

  • body - The deserialized and validated request body

  • cookie - An object map of cookie names and deserialized and validated values.

  • headers - An object map of header names and deserialized and validated values.

  • operation - The Operation component object associated with the request.

  • path - An object map of path parameter names and deserialized and validated values.

  • pathKey - The path item's key value as written in the OpenAPI document.

  • query - An object map of query parameter names and deserialized and validated values.

  • response - A small wrapper around the function Operation.prototype.response(). This will automatically set the response header content-type based on the request accept header unless you specifically set a response content-type.

If an exception occurs the exception may contain the pathItem property for the PathItem component that matched or it may contain the operation property with the Operation component and the pathKey property with the value of the matching path as defined in your OpenAPI document.


const OpenAPI = require('openapi-enforcer').v3_0.OpenApi

const openapi = new OpenAPI({
  openapi: '3.0.0',

const [ req ] = openapi.request({
  method: 'get',
  path: '/path/abc?x=1',

{% import %}