Related: How to read an EnforcerResult object

# EnforcerResult

EnforcerResult ( value [, error [, warning ] ] ) : Promise < OpenAPI | Swagger >

Create an EnforcerResult instance.


Parameter Description Type Default
value The success value for the EnforcerResult instance. any
error An EnforcerException instance that may or may not have any exceptions. If an exception (message) does exist for this object then the EnforcerResult value will be undefined. EnforcerException undefined
warning An EnforcerException instance that may or may not have any exceptions. EnforcerException undefined

Returns an EnforcerResult instance.

**Example without Error

const { Exception, Result } = require('openapi-enforcer')
const error = new Exception('Exception header')
const warning = new Exception('Exception header')

const [ val, err, warn ] = new Result('Hello', error, warning)
console.log(err)      // undefined
console.log(val)      // 'Hello'
console.log(warning)  // undefined

Example with Error

const { Exception, Result } = require('openapi-enforcer')
const error = new Exception('Exception header')
error.message('An error')
const warning = new Exception('Exception header')

const [ val, err, warn ] = new Result('Hello', error, warning)
console.log(err)      // Exception header
                      //   An error
console.log(val)      // undefined because the EnforcerException had a message
console.log(warning)  // undefined