# Schema

Nullable Values

The OpenAPI specification v2 does not allow for nullable values in schemas, but to accommodate for that need a property x-nullable can be defined on any schema to allow the null value.

# Instance Methods

# deserialize

Schema.prototype.deserialize ( value [, options ] ) : EnforcerResult < any >

Schema instances can deserialize values. Deserialization is the process of extracting a data structure from a scalar value. For example, the string 2000-01-01 as a date string would be deserialized to new Date('2000-01-01') which gives you a date object instead of a date string.

Note that the deserialization process keeps validation to a minimum. It won't care if a decimal number was provided for an integer type, but it will care if "hello" is provided as an integer.


Parameter Description Type Default
value The value to deserialize any
options Deserialization options. See the options table below for details. object

Deserialization Options

Option Description Type Default
strict Whether to enable strict deserialization. Setting to false will allow strings to deserialize for booleans, integers, and numbers. It will also allow booleans to deserialize from numbers. Keeping true will reduce false positives. boolean true

Returns: An EnforcerResult that resolves to the deserialized value.


const Enforcer = require('openapi-enforcer')
const [ schema ] = new Enforcer.v3_0.Schema({ type: 'string', format: 'date-time' })

const [ value ] = schema.deserialize('2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z')

console.log(value instanceof Date)  // true
console.log(value.getFullYear())    // 2000

# discriminate

Schema.prototype.discriminate ( value [, details ]) : object

Schemas that use discriminators allow polymorphism or schema selection functionality. This function is used to get the Schema instance that is referenced through the discriminator.


Parameter Description Type Default
value The object containing the discriminator property object
details Whether to get back just the Schema instance (false) or the Schema instance, property name, and property value (true). boolean false

Returns: The discriminator Schema instance if details=false, or and object with the properties key (discriminator property name), name (value property name), and schema (the Schema instance) if details=true.


const Enforcer = require('openapi-enforcer')

const definition = {
    swagger: '2.0',
    info: { title: '', version: '' },
    paths: {},
    definitions: {
        Cat: {
            allOf: [
                { '$ref': '#/definitions/Pet' },
                    type: 'object',
                    properties: {
                        birthDate: { type: 'string' },
                        huntingSkill: { type: 'string' },
        Dog: {
            allOf: [
                { '$ref': '#/definitions/Pet' },
                    type: 'object',
                    properties: {
                        birthDate: { type: 'string', format: 'date' },
                        packSize: { type: 'integer', minimum: 1 }
        Pet: {
            type: 'object',
            required: ['petType'],
            properties: {
                petType: { type: 'string' }
            discriminator: 'petType'

    .then(enforcer => {
        const schema = enforcer.definitions.Pet
        const dogSchema = schema.discriminate({ petType: 'Dog' })
        console.log(dogSchema === enforcer.definitions.Dog)  // true

# formalize

Schema.prototype.formalize ( value ) : any

This is a convenience function that calls the static Schema.formalize function. Please see the documentation for Schema.formalize for usage and examples.

# populate

Schema.prototype.populate ([ params [, value [, options ] ] ]) : EnforcerResult < any >

This method is used to generate values using a combination of a parameters map and the schema definition.


Parameter Description Type Default
params An object map, tying key value pairs to locations in the schema definition. object {}
value An initial value to start with. Properties already defined in this value will not be overwritten during population. any
options Options to apply during population. See below. object

Options Parameter

Property Description Type Default
copy Whether to copy the initial value (true) or mutate the initial value (false). boolean false
conditions Whether to check that the condition (x-condition) is met prior to population for a value. boolean true
defaults Whether to apply default value (x-default then default) if no other value is specified. boolean true
depth How deep to traverse an object that is being built. number 100
replacement The template replacement method to use. Options include colon (:name), doubleHandlerBar (), or handlebar ({name}). string 'handlebar'
templateDefaults Whether to apply template replacement to default values. boolean true
templates Whether to use templating (x-template) to populate the value. boolean true
variables Whether to use variables (x-variable) to populate the value. boolean true

Returns: An EnforcerResult that resolves to the populated value.


const Enforcer = require('openapi-enforcer')
const [ schema ] = new Enforcer.v3_0.Schema({
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
        age: {
            type: 'integer',
            'x-variable': 'age',
            'x-condition': 'above18'
        firstName: {
            type: 'string',
            'x-variable': 'first'
        fullName: {
            type: 'string',
            default: '{first} {last}'
        lastName: {
            type: 'string',
            'x-variable': 'last'

const [ adult ] = schema.populate({
    above18: true,
    age: 25,
    first: 'Bob',
    last: 'Johnson'

const [ child ] = schema.populate({
    above18: false,
    age: 6,
    first: 'Tim',
    last: 'Turner'

// {
//     age: 25,
//     firstName: 'Bob',
//     fullName: 'Bob Johnson',
//     lastName: 'Johnson'
// }

// {
//     firstName: 'Tim',
//     fullName: 'Tim Turner',
//     lastName: 'Turner'
// }

# random

Schema.prototype.random ([ value [, options ] ]) : EnforcerResult < any >

Generate a random value that complies with the schema definition.


Parameter Description Type Default
value An initial value to use to begin adding randomly generated values to. any
options Configuration options. See below. object

Options Parameter

Property Description Type Default
additionalPropertiesPossibility A number between 0 and 1 that signifies the possibility of additional properties being added to objects that allow them. In cases where the definition's minProperties has not been reached or if a property is required but not defined as a known property then that additional property will be added, regardless of the additionalPropertiesPossibility value. number 0
arrayVariation The maximum random array size. This value may be overwritten if the schema defines minItems or maxItems that do not fit this value. number 4
copy Whether the passed in value should be copied (true) or mutated (false). boolean false
defaultPossibility A number between 0 and 1 that signifies the possibility of a default value being used when one exists. number 0.25
definedPropertyPossibility A number between 0 and 1 that signifies the possibility of setting a value for an object with a defined property. If the property is required then the random value will be set regardless of the defaultPossibility value. number 0.80
maxDepth Maximum depth to build to for a random object or array. number 10
numberVariation The amount of variation to have between high and low numbers. This value will be overwritten if minimum and maximum are defined for the schema. number 1000
uniqueItemRetry The number of times to attempt to come up with a unique value for arrays that have uniqueItems set to true. number 5

Returns: An EnforcerResult that resolves to the random value.


const Enforcer = require('openapi-enforcer')
const [ schema ] = new Enforcer.v3_0.Schema({
    type: 'number',
    minimum: 0,
    multipleOf: 0.5

const [ value ] = schema.random()

console.log(value)  // 1.5

# serialize

Schema.prototype.serialize ( value ) : EnforcerResult < any >

Serialization is the process of converting a data structure to a scalar value. For example, the date object new Date('2000-01-01') would be serialized to the string 2000-01-01 if the type=string and format=date.


Parameter Description Type Default
value The value to serialize. any

Returns: An EnforcerResult that resolves to the serialized value.


const Enforcer = require('openapi-enforcer')
const [ schema ] = new Enforcer.v3_0.Schema({ type: 'string', format: 'date' })

const [ value ] = schema.serialize(new Date('2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'))

console.log(value)  // '2000-01-01'

# validate

Schema.prototype.validate ( value [, options ] ) : EnforcerException | undefined

Validate a deserialized value against the schema.


Parameter Description Type Default
value The deserialized value to validate. any
options Configuration options. See below. object

Options Parameter

Property Description Type Default
readWriteMode If this value is set to read then any properties in the value that are listed as writeOnly: true will produce an error. If the value is set to "write" then any properties in the value listed as readOnly: true will produce an error. string undefined

Returns: An EnforcerException object an the value is not valid, otherwise undefined.


const Enforcer = require('openapi-enforcer')
const [ schema ] = new Enforcer.v3_0.Schema({ type: 'string'  })

const err = schema.validate(123)
// Invalid value
//   Expected a string. Received: 123

{% import to-object.md %}

# Static Methods

# defineDataTypeFormat

Schema.defineDataTypeFormat ( type, format, configuration ) : undefined

This is a static method that is used to define custom data formats, their serialization and deserialization, and their validation. If you have custom object classes that need special serialization, deserialization, and validation then this method is where you can define that.

Built into the system already is support for type 'string' for formats 'binary', 'byte', 'date', and 'date-time'.


Parameter Description Type Default
type The type that this data format definition will apply to. This is directly tied to the OpenAPI document schemas type property, therefore this value must be one of 'boolean', 'integer', 'number', or 'string' as defined in the OpenAPI specification. string
format The name of the format that this type definition will apply to. string
configuration The configuration instructions for this type and format. See below. object

Configuration Parameter

Property Description Type Default
constructors An array of functions to be recognized as constructors. Array < function >
deserialize The function to call to deserialize the value. It receives one parameter, an object, with properties exception, schema, and value which contains the serialized value. This function should return the deserialized value. function
isNumeric If this value is numeric then it allows the schema properties maximum, minimum, exclusiveMaximum, exclusiveMinimum, and multipleOf. Defaults to true if the type is integer or number, otherwise false. boolean See description
random The function to call to generate a random deserialized value. It receives one parameter, an object, with properties exception and schema. The function should return the deserialized value. function
serialize The function to call to serialize the value. It receives one parameter, an object, with properties exception, schema, and value which contains the deserialized value. This function should return the serialized value. function
validate The function to call to validate the deserialized value. It receives one parameter, and object, with the properties exception, schema, and value which contains the deserialized value. This function does not need to return anything and can report errors via the exception object. function

Returns: undefined.


This example shows how you might define a decimal type that uses exact decimal values (instead of floating point). The example omits many validations and scenarios for simplicity sake.

// define the Decimal class
class Decimal {
  constructor (value) {
    const array = value.split('.')
    this.characteristic = array[0]
    this.mantissa = array[1] || '0'

  valueOf () {
    return +this.characteristic + +this.mantissa / Math.pow(10, this.mantissa.length)

  toString () {
      return this.characteristic + '.' + this.mantissa

// define a "decimal" format
const Schema = require('openapi-enforcer').v3_0.Schema
Schema.defineDataTypeFormat('string', 'decimal', {
    constructors: [ Decimal ],
    // define how to deserialize a value
    deserialize: (exception, value) => new Decimal(value),

    // is numeric - allows schema maximum, minimum, exclusiveMaximum, etc.
    isNumeric: true,

    // generate a random value
    random: (exception) => new Decimal(String(Math.random() * 100)),

    // define how to serialize a value
    serialize: (exception, value) => value.toString(),

    // define validation function for deserialized value
    validate: (exception, value) => {
        if (this.hasOwnProperty('minimum') && this.minimum > +value) {
            exception.message('Value must be above the minimum of ' + 
                this.minimum + '. Received: ' + value)

// create a schema that uses the "decimal" format
const [ schema ] = new Schema({ type: 'string', format: 'decimal' })

// deserialize a "decimal"
const [ value ] = schema.deserialize('2.49')

console.log(value instanceof Decimal)   // true
console.log(+value)                     // 2.49

# extractValue

Schema.extractValue ( value )

This is an alias for the Schema.Value.extract function.

# formalize

Schema.formalize ( value ) : any

A schema instance's serialize and validate functions require that objects meet one of two criteria:

  1. Objects must be plain objects, or
  2. Objects must have a defined schema data type that defines serialization and validation.

To this end, formalize will correctly convert your non plain objects to a format that can be used by the serialize and validate functions. In other words, this function will convert a non plain object to either a plain object equivalent or it maintain the defined type.


Parameter Description Type Default
value The value to formalize any

Returns a formalized value.


function Person (name, birthdate) {
    this.name = name;
    this.birthdate = birthdate;

const person = new Person('bob', new Date('2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'))

const plainObject = Enforcer.v3_0.formalize(person)

# hook

Schema.hook ( type, handler ) : void

Add a hook to schema deserialize, serialize, and validate functonality.


Parameter Description
type The type of hook to add. Expects on of the following values: "afterDeserialize", "afterSerialize", "afterValidate", "beforeDeserialize", "beforeSerialize", or "beforeValidate"
handler The function to call for the hook. Every hook function must run synchronously, receives the parameters value, schema, and exception, and should return an object with the following structure: { done: false, hasException: false, value: 'whatever' }. The hasException property is optional and allows for performance optimization. If your hook adds an exception then set the value to true, otherwise return it as false.

In the case that an exception exists your hook function will not be run. It's possible another hook may run and specify that the process is done: true, also, preventing your hook from running.

Returns undefined


// define a custom beforeDeserialize hook
function zeroDateHook (value, schema, exception) {
    if (schema.type === 'string' && schema.format === 'date' && value === '0000-00-00') {
        // custom deserialize functionality example
        return {
            done: true, // if done then don't allow any other deserialize functions to run, we are done
            hasException: false, // we didn't add any exception messages with this hook
            value: new Date(0)
    } else if (schema.type === 'string' && schema.format === 'date-time' && value === '0000-00-00') {
        // exception example
        exception.message('Zero dates are not allowed for date-time formats.')
        return {
            done: true,
            hasException: true,
    } else {
        // no changes example
        // we didn't make any changes so pass along the unchanged value and let other deserializers work on it
        return {
            done: false,
            hasException: false,

Enforcer.v2_0.Schema.hook('beforeDeserialize', hook)
Enforcer.v3_0.Schema.hook('beforeDeserialize', hook)

# unhook

Schema.unhook ( type, handler ) : void

Remove a previously added hook.


Parameter Description
type The type of hook to remove. Expects on of the following values: "afterDeserialize", "afterSerialize", "afterValidate", "beforeDeserialize", "beforeSerialize", or "beforeValidate"
handler The function to unhook.

Returns undefined


function myHook (value, schema, exception) { ... }

// add the hook
Enforcer.v2_0.Schema.hook('beforeDeserialize', myHook)
Enforcer.v3_0.Schema.hook('beforeDeserialize', myHook)

// remove the hook
Enforcer.v2_0.Schema.unhook('beforeDeserialize', myHook)
Enforcer.v3_0.Schema.unhook('beforeDeserialize', myHook)

# Value

Schema.value ( value, options ) : any

This is a sub class used only by the Schema and is used to provide more fine grained control over what parts of a value serialize, deserialize, validate, and populate.

Navigate to Schema.Value documentation