# EnforcerException

This class is used to generate error reports when one or more errors occur within the system. It is capable of accurately targeting errors within nested objects.

This example shows two errors:

  1. One at one > two > a as Error 1
  2. Another at one > two > b > 0 as Error 2
const { Exception } = require('openapi-enforcer')

const exception = new Exception('Header 1')
const subException = exception.at('one').at('two')
subException.at('a').message('Error 1');
subException.at('b').at(0).message('Error 2');

// Header 1
//   at: one > two
//     at: a
//       Error 1
//     at: b > 0
//       Error 2

# Instance Properties

# count

EnforcerException.count : number

The number of messages added to an EnforcerException, including those added to any child EnforcerException instances.


const { Exception } = require('openapi-enforcer')

const parent = new Exception('Header 1')
parent.message('Parent message')

const child = parent.at('x')
child.message('Child message')

console.log(parent.count) // 2
console.log(child.count)  // 1

# hasException

EnforcerException.hasException : boolean

Whether an EnforcerException instance has any messages or not.


const { Exception } = require('openapi-enforcer')

const exception = new Exception('Header 1')
console.log(exception.hasException) // false

exception.message('Failed to compute')
console.log(exception.hasException) // true

# Instance Methods

# at

EnforcerException.prototype.at ( path: string ) : EnforcerException

Use this method to create a child exception that indicates a sub path. This differs from the nest function in that it creates a shared Exception space where the provided path is the key.


Parameter Description Type Default
path The label for the sub path being created. string

Returns: The child EnforcerException instance


const { Exception } = require('openapi-enforcer')
const exception = new Exception('Header 1')

const subPathException = exception.at('some path')
subPathException.message('No soup for you')

// Header 1
//   at: some path
//     No soup for you

# nest

EnforcerException.prototype.nest ( header: string ) : EnforcerException

Use this method to create a child exception. Unlike the at function, this will not share messages with other nested exceptions that share the same header value.


Parameter Description Type Default
header The label for the sub EnforcerException instance being created. string

Returns: The child EnforcerException instance


const { Exception } = require('openapi-enforcer')
const exception = new Exception('There was an error')

const subException = exception.nest('Could not do action X')
subException.message("I'm a teapot")
subException.message('Too busy to comply')

// There was an error
//   Could not do action X
//     I'm a teapot
//     Too busy to comply

# merge

EnforcerException.prototype.merge ( exception: EnforcerException ) : EnforcerException

Copy the child EnforcerInstances and messages from one EnforcerInstance into another.


Parameter Description Type Default
exception The EnforcerException instance to copy from. EnforcerException

Returns: The EnforcerException instance that was copied into


const { Exception } = require('openapi-enforcer')

const exceptionA = new Exception('Header A')
exceptionA.message('Message a')

const exceptionB = new Exception('Header B')
exceptionB.message('Message b')


// Header A
//   Message a
//   Message b

# message

EnforcerException.prototype.message ( message: string ) : EnforcerException

Add a message to the EnforcerException instance. Once a message is added then the EnforcerException instance is considered to have an exception.


Parameter Description Type Default
message The message to add. string

Returns: The EnforcerException instance that the message was added to


const { Exception } = require('openapi-enforcer')

const exception = new Exception('Header 1')
exception.message('Message 1')

// Header 1
//   Message 1

# push

EnforcerException.prototype.push ( value: string|EnforcerException ) : EnforcerException

This method can be used to add a message (string) or an EnforcerInstance object to another EnforcerInstance.


Parameter Description Type Default
value The message or EnforcerInstance to add. string or EnforcerException

Returns: The EnforcerException instance that the value was added to


const { Exception } = require('openapi-enforcer')

const child = new Exception('Header 2')
child.message('Message 2')

const parent = new Exception('Header 1')
parent.push('Message 1')

// Header 1
//   Header 2
//     Message 2
//   Message 1

# toString

EnforcerException.prototype.toString () : string

Get the error message that represents the EnforcerException instance. If the EnforcerException instance and its children have no messages then this will return an empty string, otherwise it will show the error(s) in an organized hierarchy.



Returns: a string