Related: How to read an EnforcerResult object
# EnforcerResult
EnforcerResult ( value [, error [, warning ] ] ) : Promise < OpenAPI | Swagger >
Create an EnforcerResult instance.
Parameter | Description | Type | Default |
value | The success value for the EnforcerResult instance. | any | |
error | An EnforcerException instance that may or may not have any exceptions. If an exception (message) does exist for this object then the EnforcerResult value will be undefined . | EnforcerException | undefined |
warning | An EnforcerException instance that may or may not have any exceptions. | EnforcerException | undefined |
Returns an EnforcerResult instance.
**Example without Error
const { Exception, Result } = require('openapi-enforcer')
const error = new Exception('Exception header')
const warning = new Exception('Exception header')
const [ val, err, warn ] = new Result('Hello', error, warning)
console.log(err) // undefined
console.log(val) // 'Hello'
console.log(warning) // undefined
Example with Error
const { Exception, Result } = require('openapi-enforcer')
const error = new Exception('Exception header')
error.message('An error')
const warning = new Exception('Exception header')
const [ val, err, warn ] = new Result('Hello', error, warning)
console.log(err) // Exception header
// An error
console.log(val) // undefined because the EnforcerException had a message
console.log(warning) // undefined